Margarete Schütte-Lihotzky, born 1897 in Vienna, studied architecture at the K.K. Kunstgewerbeschule in Vienna under O. Strnad and H. Tessenow (1915-19). Since 1919 she run her own office for architecture in Vienna, working mostly for housing estate projects. From 1926-29 she experienced in structural engineering in Frankfurt/M, within this period she developed the so-called "Frankfurter Küche". 1930-37 Schütte-Lihotzky worked as an architect in the Sowjet Union, mostly for projects for kindergartens. 1938-40 she lived in Turkey, where she joined the antifascist restistance. In 1940 she retured to Vienna where she was arrested. Schütte-Lihotzky was taken into custody until 1945. After 1947 she worked again in Vienna. Many publications, exhibitions and decorations. Grete Schütte-Lihotzky died in Vienna in 2000. Her work is closely connected to ideas of the avantgarde, great social reforms and the constant wish for a social order. Architecture should transfer social ideas - as social engagement. The insensive search for functional and simple solution in architecture mark her lifework.